Kaiser 4050


Hi! I’m an associate professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at UBC.

Before joining UBC, I was a graduate student at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, working with Prof. Srini Devadas (PhD) and Prof. Arvind (MEng).

I also spent a number of years in industry, working on Bluespec and high-speed network processors.


My recent research has spanned:

Before joining UBC, I worked on:


Courses I teach / have taught at UBC:

  • CPEN 212 (Computer Systems II)
  • CPEN 211 (Computer Systems I)
  • CPEN 291 (Computer Engineering Design Studio I)
  • CPEN 311 (Digital Systems Design)
  • CPEN 411 (Computer Architecture)
  • CPEN 511 / EECE 527 (Advanced Computer Architecture)


Current graduate students:

Former students:


On Technical Program Committees (*ERC):

Conference organization:


  • S Panda, MA Al-Qadasi, A Mukherjee, SM Grist, M Lis, KC Cheung, L Chrostowski, S Shekhar (2024). On-chip resonance peak extraction in evanescent field silicon photonic biosensors. Optics Express 32(27):47920. 〈 paper
  • K Ahmed, Y Wang, M Lis, J Rubin (2023). ViaLin: Path-Aware Dynamic Taint Analysis for Android. In FSE 2023. 〈 paper | code
  • M Olyaiy*, C Ng*, A Fedorova, M Lis (2023). Sunstone: A Scalable and Versatile Scheduler for Mapping Tensor Algebra on Spatial Accelerators. In ISPASS 2023. (*equal contribution). 〈 paper | code
  • D Yang, P Nair, M Lis (2023). HuffDuff: Stealing Pruned DNNs from Sparse Accelerators. In ASPLOS 2023. 〈 paper
  • K Ahmed, M Lis, J Rubin (2021). Slicer4J: A Dynamic Slicer for Java. In ESEC/FSE 2021. 〈 paper | code
  • A Asgari, A Gunter, M Saeidi, M Lis, P Nair (2021). MLMLP: A Case for Multi-Page Multi-Layer Perceptron Prefetcher. In MLArchSys 2021. Second place in the 2021 ML-Based Data Prefetching Competition.〈 paper
  • M Olyaiy, C Ng, M Lis (2021). Accelerating DNN Inference with Predictive Layer Fusion. In ICS 2021.〈 paper | ML code | sim code
  • K Ahmed, M Lis, J Rubin (2021). MANDOLINE: Dynamic Slicing of Android Applications with Trace-Based Alias Analysis. In ICST 2021. Distinguished paper award. 〈 paper | code
  • X Ren, M Lis (2021). CHOPIN: Scalable Graphics Rendering in Multi-GPU Systems via Parallel Image Composition. In HPCA 2021. 〈 paper | code
  • A Mukherjee, K Saurav, P Nair, S Shekhar, M Lis (2021). A Case for Emerging Memories in DNN Accelerators. In DATE 2021. 〈 paper
  • D Yang, A Ghasemazar*, X Ren*, M Golub, G Lemieux, M Lis (2020). Procrustes: a Dataflow and Accelerator for Sparse Deep Neural Network Training. In MICRO 2020. (*equal contribution). 〈 paper | ML code | sim code
  • MO Matar, M Jana, J Mitra, L Lampe, M Lis (2020). A Turbo Maximum-a-Posteriori Equalizer for Faster-than-Nyquist Applications. In FCCM 2020. 〈 paper
  • A Ghasemazar, P Nair, M Lis (2020). Thesaurus: Efficient Cache Compression via Dynamic Clustering. In ASPLOS 2020. 〈 paper | code
  • A Ghasemazar, M Ewais, M Lis (2020). Decoupling Approximation and Cache Compression. In WAX 2020. 〈 paper
  • A Ghasemazar, M Ewais, P Nair, M Lis (2020). 2DCC: Cache Compression in Two Dimensions. In DATE 2020. 〈 paper | code
  • L Ye, M Lis, A Fedorova (2019). A unifying abstraction for data structure splicing. In MEMSYS 2019. 〈 paper
  • A Ghasemazar, M Lis (2019). 2DCC: Cache Compression in Two Dimensions. Poster in ICCD 2019.
  • M Golub, G Lemieux, M Lis (2019). Full Deep Neural Network training on a pruned weight budget. In SysML 2019 (a.k.a. MLSys 2019). 〈 paper | code
  • X Ren, M Lis (2018). High-performance GPU Transactional Memory via Eager Conflict Detection. In HPCA 2018. 〈 paper | code
  • A Ghasemazar, M Lis (2017). Gaussian Mixture Error Estimation for Approximate Circuits. In DATE 2017. 〈 paper | code
  • X Ren, M Lis (2017). Efficient Sequential Consistency in GPUs via Relativistic Cache Coherence. In HPCA 2017. 〈 paper | code
  • KS Shim, M Lis, O Khan, S Devadas (2015). The Execution Migration Machine: Directoryless Shared-Memory Architecture. IEEE Computer 48:50–59.
  • KS Shim*, M Lis*, MH Cho, I Lebedev, S Devadas (2013). Design Tradeoffs for Simplicity and Efficient Verification in the Execution Migration Machine. In ICCD 2013. (*equal contribution)
  • M Kinsy, MH Cho, KS Shim, M Lis, GE Suh, S Devadas (2013). Optimal and Heuristic Application-Aware Oblivious Routing. IEEE Transactions on Computers 62:59–73.
  • KS Shim, M Lis, O Khan, S Devadas (2012). Thread Migration Prediction for Distributed Shared Caches. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, RapidPosts September 2012.
  • P Ren, M Lis, MH Cho, KS Shim, CW Fletcher, O Khan, N Zheng, S Devadas (2012). HORNET: A Cycle-Level Multicore Simulator. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 31:890–903. 〈 code
  • KS Shim, M Lis, O Khan, S Devadas (2012). Judicious Thread Migration When Accessing Distributed Shared Caches. In CAOS 2012.
  • A Levin*, M Lis*, Y Ponty, CW O’Donnell, S Devadas, B Berger, J Waldispühl (2012). A global sampling approach to designing and reengineering RNA secondary structures. Nuclear Acids Research 40:10041–10052. (*equal contribution)
  • M Lis, KS Shim, MH Cho, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). Directoryless Shared Memory Coherence Using Execution Migration. In PDCS 2011. Best paper award.
  • M Lis, KS Shim, MH Cho, S Devadas (2011). Memory coherence in the age of multicores. In ICCD 2011.
  • O Khan, H Hoffmann, M Lis, F Hijaz, A Agarwal, S Devadas (2011). ARCc: A Case for an Architecturally Redundant Cache-coherence Architecture for Large Multicores. In ICCD 2011.
  • M Lis, KS Shim, MH Cho, C Fletcher, M Kinsy, I Lebedev, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). Brief Announcement: Distributed Shared Memory based on Computation Migration. In SPAA 2011.
  • MH Cho, KS Shim, M Lis, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). Deadlock-Free Fine-Grained Thread Migration. In NOCS 2011. Best Paper Award.
  • M Lis, KS Shim, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). Shared Memory via Execution Migration. In the ASPLOS 2011 Ideas and Perspectives Session.
  • O Khan, M Lis, Y Sinangil, S Devadas (2011). DCC: A Dependable Cache Coherence Multicore Architecture. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 10:12–15.
  • M Lis, P Ren, MH Cho, KS Shim, CW Fletcher, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). Scalable, accurate multicore simulation in the 1000-core era. In ISPASS 2011. 〈 code
  • KS Shim, MH Cho, M Lis, O Khan, S Devadas (2011). System-level Optimizations for Memory Access in the Execution Migration Machine (EM²). In CAOS 2011.
  • M Lis, T Kim, J Sarmiento, D Kuroda, H Dinh, AR Kinjo, S Devadas, H Nakamura, DM Standley (2011). Bridging the gap between single-template and fragment based protein structure modeling using Spanner. Immunome Research 7:1–8.
  • CW O’Donnell, J Waldispühl, M Lis, R Halfmann, S Devadas, S Lindquist, B Berger (2011). A method for probing the mutational landscape of amyloid structure. Bioinformatics 27:i34–i42.
  • O Khan, M Lis, S Devadas (2010). Instruction-Level Execution Migration. CSAIL Technical Report TR-2010-019.
  • M Lis, MH Cho, KS Shim, S Devadas (2010). Path-Diverse Inorder Routing. In ICGCS 2010.
  • M Lis, KS Shim, MH Cho, P Ren, O Khan, S Devadas (2010). DARSIM: a parallel cycle-level NoC simulator. In MoBS 2010.
  • MN Artyomov, M Lis, S Devadas, MM Davis, AK Chakraborty (2010). CD4 and CD8 binding to MHC molecules primarily acts to enhance Lck delivery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:16916–16921.
  • MN Artyomov, M Lis, AK Chakraborty (2009). Spatial coordination in membrane proximal signaling in T-cells. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 54.
  • MH Cho, M Lis, KS Shim, M Kinsy, S Devadas (2009). Path-Based, Randomized, Oblivious Routing. In NoCArc 2009.
  • MH Cho, M Lis, M Kinsy, KS Shim, T Wen, S Devadas (2009). Oblivious Routing in On-Chip Bandwidth-Adaptive Networks. In PACT 2009.
  • M Lis, MH Cho, KS Shim, S Devadas (2009). Guaranteed in-order packet delivery using Exclusive Dynamic Virtual Channel Allocation. CSAIL Technical Report TR-2009-036.
  • KS Shim, MH Cho, M Kinsy, T Wen, M Lis, GE Suh, S Devadas (2009). Static Virtual Channel Allocation in Oblivious Routing. In NOCS 2009.
  • M Lis, MN Artyomov, S Devadas, AK Chakraborty (2009). Efficient stochastic simulation of reaction–diffusion processes via direct compilation. Bioinformatics 25:2289–2291.
  • DM Standley, M Lis, AR Kinjo, H Nakamura (2009). Protein Function Annotation from Sequences and Structures with Tools at PDBj. In AsCA 2009.
  • DM Standley, AR Kinjo, M Lis, M van der Giezen, H Nakamura (2008). Structure-based functional annotation of protein sequences guided by comparative models. In Optimization and Systems Biology 2008.
  • M Pellauer, M Lis, D Baltus, RS Nikhil (2005). Synthesis of synchronous assertions with guarded atomic actions. In MEMOCODE 2005.
  • W Ecker, V Esen, T Steininger, M Lis (2005). A Case Study in Rule-Based Modeling. In IP/SoC 2005.

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